
Compassionate Leadership in Times of Crisis

Compassionate Leadership in Times of Crisis

We are pleased to share the perspectives of our colleague Nida Balamur, a participant in the current Compassionate Leadership Certification Program cohort, reporting from the front lines of the 2023 Turkish earthquakes. We are grateful for her heartfelt perspectives on empathy and compassion during this devastating time.

Your Roadmap for Compassionate Leadership, Part 1

Your Roadmap for Compassionate Leadership, Part 1

The urgency for compassionate leadership in this world is stronger than ever. For those interested in developing their own compassionate leadership capacities, we offer a roadmap to developing these skills over the next three weeks. This week’s post covers four dimensions of individual compassionate leadership, and will be followed by posts on organizational dimensions, and the tools to use to develop your skills.

Compassionate Leaders Create Psychological Safety

Compassionate Leaders Create Psychological Safety

Psychological safety has been shown to be the single most valuable characteristic contributing to team performance. Compassionate leaders have an important role to play for the benefit of their teams and their organizations through the creation of psychologically safe environments. Here are three compassionate leadership principles to lay the foundation of safety in your organization.

Our Five Favorite Reads of 2019

Our Five Favorite Reads of 2019

We invite you to look back with us on 2019 and consider five of our favorite titles published this year. We hope you take time to sample one or more of these insightful books to deepen your appreciation for and practices around compassionate leadership.