
Compassionate Leadership in Times of Crisis

Compassionate Leadership in Times of Crisis

We are pleased to share the perspectives of our colleague Nida Balamur, a participant in the current Compassionate Leadership Certification Program cohort, reporting from the front lines of the 2023 Turkish earthquakes. We are grateful for her heartfelt perspectives on empathy and compassion during this devastating time.

Difficult Conversations

Difficult Conversations

Difficult conversations – those discussions we know that we need to have, but dread having – can be difficult not only to initiate, but also to engage in a way that continues to enhance your relationships and trust. Courage, non-judgmental awareness, and compassionate communications, all arising from a place of self-compassionate anchoring, are the compassionate leadership skills to bring to your next difficult conversation.

Slow Compassion

Slow Compassion

The relationship between compassion and perceived time pressure has been known for a long time. From the well-known study, “From Jerusalem to Jericho” nearly fifty years ago, to our research with participants in our training cohorts, the feeling that there is not enough time impairs one’s ability to act compassionately. Ironically, the solution doesn’t come from working faster, but in slowing down.

A Year of Equity for All

A Year of Equity for All

February is over, and with it, so is Black History Month. The significance and meaning of Black History Month shouldn’t be limited to one month a year – the shortest month of the year at that. The time is right to take steps to turn Black History Month into a full year of supporting equity for all.