


Awe changes us. The changes are beneficial for our inner wellbeing as well as for our relationships, sense of possibility, feelings of satisfaction, and happiness. We can experience awe anywhere we are. The more we practice, the more equipped we will be to lead compassionately.

The Power of Compassionate Greeting

The Power of Compassionate Greeting

Every time you meet another person, you have an opportunity right from the start to influence the flow of your relationship. A positive greeting can quickly jumpstart an environment of flourishing. These three principles will help you establish as positive a relationship as possible from the first hello, wave, or elbow bump.

Compassionate Leaders Create Psychological Safety

Compassionate Leaders Create Psychological Safety

Psychological safety has been shown to be the single most valuable characteristic contributing to team performance. Compassionate leaders have an important role to play for the benefit of their teams and their organizations through the creation of psychologically safe environments. Here are three compassionate leadership principles to lay the foundation of safety in your organization.