
Book Review: "Running on Empty: Navigating the dangers of burnout at work," by Amy Bradley and Katherine Semler

Book Review: "Running on Empty: Navigating the dangers of burnout at work," by Amy Bradley and Katherine Semler

Burnout is an unsettling and an unsettled topic. Just released in the US, Running on Empty: Navigating the dangers of burnout at work, by Amy Bradley and Katherine Semler shows what we do know about burnout: the experience is brutal. Using a unique individual narrative approach, Running on Empty brings a new perspective to addressing the challenges of burnout.

Compassionate Leaders Create Psychological Safety

Compassionate Leaders Create Psychological Safety

Psychological safety has been shown to be the single most valuable characteristic contributing to team performance. Compassionate leaders have an important role to play for the benefit of their teams and their organizations through the creation of psychologically safe environments. Here are three compassionate leadership principles to lay the foundation of safety in your organization.