Dacher Keltner

What We’re Reading Now

What We’re Reading Now

Compassionate leadership is a process of regular learning, growth, and practice. Leaders draw on wisdom from a diverse range of perspectives and voices. Here are five book recommendations that will strengthen your own journey of compassionate leadership.

Creating Environments of Belonging

Creating Environments of Belonging

Belonging is a fundamental human need that we all experience and recognize deeply, and is crucial for your employees’ individual well-being and for the effectiveness of your teams and organizations. Here are three compassionate leadership methods we recommend to build a stronger sense of belonging among your entire team.

Control Less, Influence More

Control Less, Influence More

Although our brains desire certainty, we live in a highly uncertain world. This can lead to over-controlling behaviors. By letting go of these behaviors, leaders can unleash powerful innovation and energy within their teams and improve team performance. Here are three principles to help you let go of control in order to lead more effectively.

Book Review: The Power Paradox – How We Gain and Lose Influence

Book Review: The Power Paradox – How We Gain and Lose Influence

The same attributes that lead to gaining power are attributes that are undermined once one has achieved a position of power. Dacher Keltner, in The Power Paradox, shows us the origins of power, how it is part of all our everyday transactions and can consistently be a positive thing, how power can be abused and lost, and the costs of subjecting others to conditions that create powerlessness.