compassionate listening

What is Compassion?

What is Compassion?

Compassionate leadership starts with compassion. While we may not hear compassion much in organizational settings, it is a necessity for the success of leaders, their organizations, and the world. So, let’s explore: What is compassion?

Compassion Over Hate

Compassion Over Hate

The anger and hate currently growing in the United States are deeply troubling. But how do we respond? It takes a great deal of courage to resist the urge to scream back at someone screaming at you, but that is exactly what we need to do. Take these four steps to use your compassion to respond productively to hate.

The Power of Compassion and Love

The Power of Compassion and Love

After a grueling 2020, and an even more challenging week one of 2021, how do we persevere and embrace compassionate leadership? Take these four steps as the antidote to a disorienting world: Slow down to understand what lies beneath all the activity, and to anchor yourself, stay focused on the compassionate leadership skills that are always productive, and seek to offer compassion to everyone.