Master Your Attention

Crossing any major threshold is ripe with opportunity to bring in the new and release what needs to be let go. As we experience the seasonal solstice, or step into the new calendar year, we pause to consider how we desire to construct the next phase of our life. More of this, less of that? After years of unprecedented challenges and stress, sometimes these intentions can feel more burdensome than liberating.

As you explore how you intend life to feel and be, remember to consider how you can bring a deeper quality of attention to each moment you experience. Resolve to be in alignment with your deepest values, and each choice point will emerge with more ease and clarity. In doing so, you will unlock the flow that brings in spaciousness and synchronicity.

Say yes to what is most important.

If one is to bring quality attention to their actions, they need an idea of where to be placing the attention. What is your intention? Take time to contemplate. For individuals, be thoughtful about naming what matters most in your life and in your work

For leaders of teams and organizations, the process is similar. By definition, the work of leaders includes influencing others in moving toward shared goals. Do you know clearly what you are working toward? Does your team? Before you can figure how you are going to get somewhere, you first need to define where you want to go. Make sure your goal setting process is clear and that the results of the process are well communicated.

There is a traditional Mexican maxim, “El que mucho abarca poco aprieta,” which translated into English reads, “The one who reaches for everything, grasps nothing.” This is important wisdom for these times where we have so much competing for our attention and resources. We can’t focus on everything.

Say no to what is not needed.

Quality attention requires space. Creating that space requires letting go of those things that Complement the process of focusing on what matters with the clearing process of boundary setting. Every choice to allocate budget resources, for example, includes a decision about where those resources aren’t allocated. Be purposeful about naming both what will be a focus and what will be de-emphasized or deleted.

One area where most of us are inundated and need to make space is in the area of technology. We can be seduced by all the information and data that are available at our fingertips. The challenge is to be purposeful about when and how we take advantage of it. Make technology your friend. Choose to use it when it is in alignment with your goals. Then, build boundaries around that same technology so that it doesn’t distract you from the focused intention in front of you.

Get an “All Access Pass” to intelligence.

Most of us, especially those of us in the industrialized West, value our intellectual ways of understanding very highly. While our intellectual thought is important, we have additional ways of knowing that bring more firepower to our awareness and decisions.

Pay attention to a fully embodied way of learning about and understanding the world. Complement your head knowing with the knowledge that comes from your heart, gut, and senses. Don’t dismiss your emotions and gut feelings just because there is no “data” to validate them. If something doesn’t “feel” right, explore that feeling with analysis driven by your brain or by feeling into the body for signals that lead you to recognize the deeper misalignment.

In addition, pay close attention to the constant chatter of your inner voice. It runs in the background, often without any awareness. For starters, simply identify and recognize your inner voice. Having done that, ask yourself if your voice is following the script you want to be running in the background. You have the power to update the script and turn your inner voice into your inner ally.

In closing…

Attention is highly underrated. We’d go so far as to say it is one of the most potent superpowers in life and leadership. Attention is easily trainable, and developing mastery takes practice. As your power of attention develops, It will yield you the most remarkable returns. As the outer world continues to swirl, controlling your attention allows you to thrive.