time demands

Overcoming Obstacles Part 2 – Excess Time Demands

Overcoming Obstacles Part 2 – Excess Time Demands

As we explore the obstacles to compassionate leadership, we turn to the issue of excessive time demands, which is named consistently in our leader surveys. What is a compassionate leader to do? We start by changing our relationship with time, ourselves, and the culture. Be realistic about the fixed nature of time. Practice self-compassion. Be courageous – name when the system is broken and collaborate to create more human solutions.

There is Always Time For Compassionate Leadership

There is Always Time For Compassionate Leadership

In surveys of participants in our Compassionate Leadership and Resilience Training program, the number one hurdle to leading more compassionately is shown to be “excess demands on my time.” Where will more time come from to learn to lead compassionately? The process for growing compassion is different from that for growing other skills. You can start growing your compassion today.