
Slow Compassion

Slow Compassion

The relationship between compassion and perceived time pressure has been known for a long time. From the well-known study, “From Jerusalem to Jericho” nearly fifty years ago, to our research with participants in our training cohorts, the feeling that there is not enough time impairs one’s ability to act compassionately. Ironically, the solution doesn’t come from working faster, but in slowing down.

Sustaining the Journey on the Long Road to Change

Sustaining the Journey on the Long Road to Change

We live in a world of constant distraction, making it a challenge to stay focused on long-term goals. Yet, the world’s growing complexity makes a guiding long-term perspective more important than ever. Where attention goes, energy follows. How do we keep focused in a world screaming for our immediate attention? Here are four guiding principles for leaders embracing the long road to change.