
Changing the System

Changing the System

Things feel overwhelming right now in ways that they haven’t felt in a very long time. This level of disruption makes it easy to feel that change is beyond our control or power. Compassionate leaders know there ARE things that we can do to bring change forward. Consider these three ideas to help settle yourself into a place of empowerment, and focus yourself for change.

Five Articles on Racism to Inspire Compassionate Leaders to Action

Five Articles on Racism to Inspire Compassionate Leaders to Action

Due to the tragic murder of George Floyd, the reality of racism is being acknowledged to a degree not previously seen. Decisive actions, not words, are what will be required to alter the four-hundred-year history of racism in the United States. These five articles can support compassionate leaders as they seek to confront and transform the state of race in our world.

Race Is the Child of Racism

Race Is the Child of Racism

There is no DNA test for race. Race as represented today has evolved socially and culturally over the last four hundred years, concurrent with the expansion of colonialism, power inequities, and the taking of land by force. There is only one race – the human race.